Butter Yellow Trio

Butter Yellow Trio


Inspired by the interplay of light and form observed in a natural setting. The composition features three vases of varying sizes and shapes, each painted in a butter yellow base color. The vases are highlighted with different colors to create depth and dimension, emphasizing their unique forms.

The floral elements are designed with curvy stems to introduce a sense of movement and organic flow. The flowers are rendered with a thick, heavy texture to add a tactile quality and visual interest. This texture is achieved through the application of multiple layers of paint, using techniques such as impasto to build up the surface.

A single yellow and red petal is placed on the table to introduce a focal point and add a touch of realism. This element serves to balance the composition and draw the viewer's eye.

The painting employs a combination of color theory, textural contrast, and compositional balance to create a visually engaging piece. The use of butter yellow as the primary color ties the elements together, while the varied highlights and textures provide depth and interest.

"Butter Yellow Trio" is a celebration of the simple yet profound beauty found in everyday moments, inviting viewers to pause and appreciate the delicate interplay of light, color, and texture.

30” x 40”, oil on linen

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